This liver cleanse is very easy to do and can be done once a year, or whenever it is comfortable for you.
According to some health care authors, many health problems start in the liver, so it is possible that a simple liver cleanse is a good thing to do.
At night before bed you can take a natural herbal laxative, such as two tablets of the Ayurvedic herb, triphala (available through most health food stores.)
On the next morning, mix 2 teaspoons of sea salt in one quart of room temperature water (four (4) eight-ounce glasses).
Try to drink all four glasses of the water with the sea salt in a short period of time.
The first one or two glasses should be easy to do, and then you may have to sip or slow down with the other two glasses, but try to drink all of the liquid, say within 5 to 10 minutes.
A few minutes after you finish drinking the water, you will probably make a few trips to the bathroom, which will gently cleanse the system.
With each day, the process gets easier and easier…. and within an hour, you are pretty much functioning normal, so you can still go to work, or do chores, etc.
However, it is important that you fast (abstain from eating whole foods) during the days you are doing the cleanse.
Here is an easy way to fast:
In the morning, make the following liquid lemonade and drink it throughout the day.
(It will help contribute to the cleanse and keep up your energy.) -
Mix 8 oz. of water with two (2) tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and two (2) tablespoons of GRADE B (or unprocessed) maple syrup (from a health food store).
Add a pinch of Cayenne pepper to the lemonade.
Make a big thermos of this lemonade and drink it throughout the day, and whenever you start to feel even a slight hunger.
The idea is to fast as much as possible for three to seven days.
(I did this for seven days without much problem at all. In fact, I was amazed at how much energy I gained with each passing day).
You can do this cleanse for three to seven days, whichever you prefer.
Be sure to repeat the herbal laxative every night, along with the salt water every morning, and with the lemonade every day.
At the end of the fast, drink only orange juice for the following two days.
On the second day after the fast, you can have some light soup in the evening.
On the third morning after the fast, you can have a light breakfast and light lunch.
On the fourth day, you can resume your normal eating habits.
HOWEVER, remember this:
Some health care practitioners suggest that the number one cause of illness is connected with an impure liver, and the best way to avoid this problem, is to avoid overeating.
You can also drink hot water throughout the day, both during and after the fast.
(It is a good habit to get into, as the hot water helps clean and purify the system.)
I hope this simple liver cleanse helps you as much as it did for me.
Please let me know what your experiences are. And good luck with your health and happiness.
Note: This article is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult with your physician for all medical problems and programs, or to be sure that this diet is good and safe for you.