Press Release
30-Second Astrologer Quickly Reads Charts Live on Radio Shows
Now, in just a few moments, Mr. David Hawthorne, M.S., J.B., “The 30-Second Astrologer”, can create a person’s horoscope and begin to help the individual solve lifelong problems.
Live, while on radio, Mr. Hawthorne can quickly identify in any person’s chart:
HOW the planets are operating,
WHEN the planets are operating, and,
WHAT to do to improve any area of life.
According to Mr. Hawthorne, “All problems, setbacks, and disappointments are caused by the planets in a chart that are weak, afflicted, or badly placed.” By strengthening these planets with simple ‘astral’ remedies, people can improve their health, income, education, marriage, relationships, and other important areas of concern.
Mr. Hawthorne also recommends the use of charitable deeds to reduce the afflictions caused by the malefic planets in a chart. For example, if Saturn is a malefic planet, causing difficulties, delays, and obstructions, the person can help the poor and the needy on Saturdays. This can be in the form of service, such as physical work, serving soup, etc., or by donating money, food, or clothing to a homeless shelter, etc.
Other remedies include helping the elderly and afflicted persons, prayer, yoga, meditation, studying scripture and spiritual knowledge, and the practice of good qualities such as kindness, generosity, and contentment. “These simple remedies are so potent”, says Mr. Hawthorne, “that only the doer knows their power”.
Vedic astrology (pronounced Vay-dick), is said to be more than 5,000 years old, and is the source of all astrology, whether Chinese, Egyptian, Greek, or Western. Whereas Western astrology deals primarily with the traits and personality of people, Vedic astrology deals more with events and the timing of those events, such as whether or not the person will marry, or will have children; and, if so, when these will occur. The focus is on practical issues such as health, career, marriage, children, and relationships, etc.
Mr. Hawthorne is the co-author of the book, “Astrology for Life: How to Be Your Own Vedic Astrologer”, published by SunStar. He has been practicing Vedic astrology since 1988 and is the President of the International Institute of Predictive Astrology, and a member of the American Council of Vedic Astrology.
He received his Master’s Degree and Professorship in Vedic Astrology from the Systems’ Institute of Vedic Astrology in New Delhi, India.
He is available for radio talk shows and other media events such as television, seminars, conferences, etc. For more information call David Hawthorne at 641-472-3799.
David Hawthorne on SunTalk Radio
David Hawthorne on Global Talk Radio
David Hawthorne on KZSB Radio